
The Power of Journaling for Anxiety Management

Journaling is an often underestimated yet potent tool to manage anxiety. Just as a sailor uses a compass to...

Creating an Anxiety-Safe Space: Designing Your Surroundings for Mental Wellness

The environment in which we live plays a pivotal role in shaping our mental well-being. It can be a...

Eleven Tips to Help you Sleep Well Despite Anxiety

Does this sound familiar? You are still exhausted when you arise and dragging all day long. You are mentally...

Is Float Therapy Valuable for Reducing Anxiety?

Float therapy relieves stress and anxiety. It offers multiple other health benefits.   How is float therapy performed?  Float therapy, also known...

Managing Anxiety and Claustrophobia During an MRI

If you suffer from claustrophobia or anxiety, undergoing an MRI can be a daunting and stress-inducing experience. Concerns related...

Using Virtual Reality Technology to treat Anxiety Disorders

Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET)  has been discovered to be a potential means of treating a variety of disorders...

Deep Breathing Exercises for Beginners to Help Aid Anxiety

Most of us have heard of the "mind-body connection." The term is a misnomer that can make one believe...

How to Use an App to Reduce Anxiety

Have you considered using an app to reduce your anxiety? We use apps all the time to shop, stay...

The 333 Rule for Managing Anxiety

Anxiety creates racing thoughts and chaotic internal dialogue that is difficult to get under control. When you are experiencing...

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