
How Meditation Works to Reduce Stress and Anxiety, and How to Determine What Form of Meditation is Right For You

A meditation practice is a powerfully effective tool for relieving stress and anxiety. This has been a known fact...

How Does Food Affect Anxiety?

The impact food can have on your physical appearance and wellbeing is pretty well-known. But something that’s not so...

How Breathing Works to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Oxygen is life. I’m sure you’ve heard that, or something like that before. But did you realize that placing...

How to help a friend or family member with panic or anxiety disorders

If a friend or loved one has an anxiety disorder, they may struggle to do things that others take...

Get a Physical Exam Before Seeking Anxiety Treatment

Have you ever had a racing heart, shaking hands, excessive sweating, irritability, a restless feeling, sleep problems, or a...

Foods and Beverages that Can be Harmful for Anxiety

Someone suffering from anxiety might not take diet into consideration, but they should. What you choose to eat and...

Which Foods Help with Anxiety?

You will find no lack of good, bad and plain-old ugly foods when you visit any grocery store in...

Treatment of Panic and Anxiety Disorders: Benzodiazepines

  What are Benzodiazepines? Benzodiazepines, or “benzos,” are a commonly prescribed class of medications known for their calming and relaxing effects....

Panic Attack Vs. Anxiety Attack: How They Differ

Your heart is racing. You feel the walls closing in. You suddenly can’t breathe, and you worry you’re going...

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